Expedition Entry 2/21/2021 - KLEIN

David’s silence has me deeply concerned. I have debated sending another message by telegraph as to have a more instantaneous effect than regular postage. I admit some of my previous methods have been archaic and out of date and most likely are to blame for this delay but I cannot be one hundred percent sure of that.

I am hesitant to send another inquiry because David tends to get annoyed when I bother him too much. However, he was the one who approached me regarding this expedition in the first place! He even took one of my best omelets when he left me that cold January morning.

I am not mad at his abduction of my omelet as far as the action itself, but I was in a particular headspace for cooking that morning and everything was working perfectly. I was truly looking forward to eating that omelet. Four eggs, ample Swiss cheese, red and green peppers with cubes of ham, sautéed mushrooms and perfectly seasoned. This was a culinary achievement that I was particularly proud of.

His departure left me with only a side of bacon which I ate while making a second omelet for myself. It was with some satisfaction that I was able to recreate my first attempt and enjoyed it fully in the absence of Mr Ciampas entitled tendencies.

I will wait 5 more days. I trust David is busy with preparations and has not yet had time to respond. I will keep myself busy and inventory my tents. I am sure we will need shelter once we depart from the warmth and familiarity of our homes.

Years ago I was part of a study to examine the feasibility of using large deceased animals like buffalo or oxen as temporary shelter. Many people mocked the study and laughingly called it the Tatuntaun project and insisted that it was a disgusting waste of time and resources. I said they had no vision and amented their closed minded thinking. I still have some equine shells that should be weather tight and may be of use. Once again I eagerly await word from David.